
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

paper cranes and Quiz of the day

Today I made paper cranes with my mum. The Japanese people make paper cranes because it is a symbol of peace, love, and hope, and healing during challenging times. The hardest part of folding the crane is the last part trying to fold it I kept getting it wrong. My mum gave me a  tip and said to crease it every time I fold. That made it easier.

Did you know? if you give someone 1000 paper cranes it gives them  a chance to make their special wish come true 

I am going to hang these up in my room. I can't wait to make more.

 I also did a quiz again, some answers I already knew, I used Google to help with the others.
I like doing quizzes because I always learn something new.


  1. The story of Sadako is a beautiful one. Your Mum is right with the creasing tip! The way you've made different colours looks fantastic too.
    Who knew that a slug has 4 noses!!!
    King Arthur's table was round to signify everyone having an equal importance at the table. This is why I like sitting in a circle while we are discussing ideas in literacy (No one person's ideas are more important than anothers. They each have their important right to be heard).

  2. Kia ora Maiyah.
    It's Miss Waho from down in Whakamanawa. I can see from your blog posts that you have been really active in your learning from home. That is so good to see. I love the paper cranes that you have made. Have you seen the ones at Riccarton Library? Every time I am there I think about how I would like to make some and have them hanging. They would make a beautiful display in Takitini learning space I think.
    I'm going to go and check out some of your other posts.
