
Friday, May 1, 2020

Reflective Writing


My Busy Week

Today I'm going to tell you all about my week while I reflect. On Monday we woke up had breakfast before homeschool. I made a cake of Jacinda Ardern.  Then it was lunchtime after lunchtime I did some steps web. Then had dinner it was so yummy. After dinner, I had to finish the cake. It took me ages.

On Tuesday we woke up to do our school work my mum woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning like a normal school day. After all our work we went and had dinner with my nana. I missed her so much. I was the first one at the dinner table because I was very hungry. After we got to watch a movie yay.

On Wednesday we woke up early again to get a walk-in before homeschool starts and to get some fresh air. The walk was so long because we got lost a little. I felt so happy that we got home before it was dark because if we didn't we would be there forever because we can't see.

Yesterday I woke up early to go for a walk. After the walk, we went back home. when we were there we did all our school work so we can go to my  Nana's house. I wished I was at school because I could see my friends well it is only one more week until the lockdown is over I hope. I wish it was over tomorrow so I can go back to school.

I walked early in the morning again today to see the sunrise and to get some fresh air. We walked for a long time. When we got home we did one of the Goose chases the one we did was an Exercise one. It was fun my brother had to join in. We saw a lot of chalk art this week here is a cool one I saw.


  1. Great reflective writing Maiyah. I enjoyed reading this. You have had a fun and busy week. Keep up all the amazing work you are doing.

  2. hi maiyah thank you for the treats. I was at my dads house when you dropped the treats off. my mum showed me when I got home. Cool you went to your nanas house.

  3. Wow. You sure have had a productive week. Your writing in this post is really good. Did you do it all by yourself? Your blog is looking amazing too.
